We live in a world where technology has become integrated into our daily lives. It’s the go-to for communication, absorbing the news and seeking entertainment. Apple and Android offer an overwhelming number of applications that can enhance our daily lives. Here are 7 applications that make student lives easier when it comes to finance, studying, research, shopping and making money.

1. Go Commando
Managing a regular day job while attending school full-time can be challenging but there’s no doubt that students need a source of income. Go Commando gives students the opportunity to work when it’s convenient for them by connecting with brands that send out tasks which students can accept, complete and submit for payment. Tasks vary per brand and students are able to make their own schedule while earning extra money along the way without the commitment of a regular day job.

2. Mint
When it comes to managing money, most of us struggle and could use some tips for becoming financially smarter. Learning to better manage your finances is now easier than ever with Mint, a free app that tracks your spending habits when you link your debit or credit cards. Mint creates a budget for your monthly expenses based on those spending habits and alerts you once you’ve exceeded those limits. The app also allows users to set their desired budgets and savings goals.

3. Feedly
This app offers convenience by delivering an array of newsworthy stories tailored to your topic selection as defined within the app. Feed.ly makes staying up-to-date on all the latests news easy by keeping stories all in one place.

4. Google Drive
Chances are you’ve already become very familiar with Google Docs and rely on the often life-saving Google Drive feature in Gmail to access your files from anywhere. Need to access your files or edit them but don’t have access to a computer or wifi? Simply download the application to your mobile device and use it anywhere.

5. Chegg
Save a fortune on textbooks by using the Chegg app to search for used or rental books for your courses and sell your old textbooks for extra cash. Avoid trips to the bookstore and waiting in long lines. Chegg is free, simple and easy to navigate all from your mobile device from anywhere.

6. EasyBib
This app takes care of every student’s worst nightmare: creating a bibliography. It makes creating citations easy and hassle-free by simply typing or pasting the title of a source into the app which then generates the citation in your desired style. Once you’ve generated a citation, simply copy and paste it into your bibliography page.

7. iTunes U
For students using apple products, iTunes U is perhaps one of the best apps out there. The app gives students the ability to access free educational courses and material from leading colleges and universities in the world all from their mobile device.

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Our college marketing agency functions to serve two purposes; to provide opportunity for college students, and to market products and services on behalf of brands to students on college campuses and universities across the United States. Contact us to learn more.