While you’re preparing to head to school this fall, it’s important to consider what things you’ll do differently to ensure you have a successful semester. Now is the time to break bad habits, develop good habits and set the course for a successful semester.

Here are 7 tips to help you get started on the right foot.

  1. Get to know your professors
    Getting to know your professor on a more personal level could help you understand their teaching philosophy and why they do things a certain way. Read their biography on the department’s website, research their work and some of their interests to see where your interests intersect with theirs. Stop by during office hours for a chat, it doesn’t have to get too personal but getting to know your professor as the semester will make things easier. You’ll become more comfortable, active in class discussions and cultivate a good relationship that can translate into a reference letter.
  2. Find a place to study
    It’s important to develop good study habits early on. Find a good spot to study where you can focus your attention and be productive. Find a study group to join or start one yourself. Joining a study group will allow you to bounce ideas off of other students, learn from one another and develop new friendships.
  3. Master time management
    The biggest obstacle many students face is managing time effectively. Wasting limited time is harmful to your academic success. It’s important to learn to manage your time effectively early on so that you can maximize your potential. Managing your time will also help you develop a balance between academics, extracurricular activities such as a student organizations or work.
  4. Identify help you’ll need
    Not every course will be a breeze. It’s expected that you will find yourself in challenging courses that need a little bit of extra time and effort. It’s important to identify those challenging courses early on and seek the help you need whether it requires joining a study group or private tutoring sessions. Identify any issues that arise throughout the year and know where to find resources to help you tackle any obstacles you encounter such as advising, financial aid offices and student services.
  5. Slow but steady
    Keep a planner of your assignments, exams and projects to avoid cramming all the work the night before. Be sure to chip away at big projects rather than waiting until the night before it’s due. Knowing when things are due and working to get them done on time will help you prevent stressful situations.
  6. Get involved
    It’s important that you don’t overwhelm yourself by academics and find time to do something else to escape coursework overload. Join a campus organization related to your interests or join a sport. Doing so will enhance your college experience and help you find a balance between classes and maintaining a social life.
  7. Know yourself
    One of the best ways to ensure you have a successful semester is to know yourself. Know your strengths and weaknesses. Apply your strengths and tackle your weaknesses. Being aware of bad habits will help you develop better ones. Know your limits and be sure to always take time for yourself. Don’t set unrealistic goals or expectations, but challenge yourself along the way.

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