There is always a feeling of excitement and pride when you expand your network through internships, jobs, and social events. However, one of the most difficult tasks is keeping in touch with your network at the end of it all. So how do you keep in touch with your contacts afterwards? Here are 7 tips that will help you keep the conversation going.

  1. Social media is your friend
    It is undeniable that you spend a great deal of time on social media; from Twitter to LinkedIn, Facebook, etc. While social media is often used for entertainment, don’t miss out on using it as an opportunity to engage with your network. Scroll through your news feed and if you see something interesting, leave a comment. It’s important that you make your time spent online useful.
  2. Get involved
    Attending events is beneficial in many ways. You may find yourself bumping into acquaintances, giving you a chance to get up to speed on things. Additionally, events can give you an opportunity with professionals you’d like to meet by extending the invitation. If you’re attending a conference it’s an opportunity to reach out to any contacts in that area, letting them know you’re in town.
  3. Remember birthdays
    Knowing birthdays is a great way to reconnect with your contacts. Wishing them a happy birthday via email, by phone or by mailing out a card lets your contact know you’re thinking of them on their special day and is a great window of opportunity to catch up.
  4. Sign up for Google Alerts
    Google will send you emails when specific words you’ve chosen appear in news stories. Google Alerts is a good way to keep track of your contacts by staying up-to-date with any promotions, awards, or company news.
  5. Ask questions
    One of the benefits of building a network is being able to turn to the pros for help. Asking questions is a great way to engage and reconnect with your existing contacts or even make new ones while learning new things along the way.
  6. Be helpful
    If you see a news story or email that you think might be interesting to your contact, forward it. Don’t flood their inbox, but sending along relevant stories or information shows that you’re thinking about them and want to help.
  7. Visit
    If you happen to be in the city you previously worked in, it isn’t a bad idea to reach out to your past employer to see if you can stop in and say hello. If colleagues from your previously place of employment have moved on to different branches of the company or taken on a new position, reach out, reconnect or take a tour. It may just open the door to new opportunities.

You can get the conversation started by joining our Go Commando App available in the App Store and Google Play. We offer opportunities to work with brands which allows you to build your experience and network at the same time.

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