As students, it’s easy to get caught up in life and forget to take time for yourself and things and people you love. However, in the midst of our busy work schedules, academic agenda, family needs and social engagements it’s important that we take time to step back to collect our thoughts, spend quality time with the ones you love and do things that make you happy. Here are 7 ways to stay balanced with a busy schedule.

  • Work out
    Making time to exercise isn’t always easy but making time to do it can be a major stress reliever. It’s a healthy habit to maintain and it makes you feel great too, both physically and mentally.
  • Eat healthier
    Eating a more balanced diet will make you feel more energized and even happier because eating a more balanced diet helps moderate your body’s level of cortisol, the stress hormone.
  • Get rest
    It may seem difficult to make time to rest but it’s important that you do. Sleeping
    reinvigorates your mind and body, ultimately making you more productive during work hours. 
  • Feed your passions
    You may be pursuing a nursing degree but it’s important to also pursue things that make you feel like you. Exploring your creative endeavors gives you an escape from stress and is an opportunity to do something fun and relaxing. Even if you don’t want to become a famous painter or writer it’s important to do the things that make you feel at peace rather than thinking about work tasks away from work.
  • Make time for people you love
    A great way to relieve some of the stress of everyday life is put demands on hold and spend time with people you love when you have the opportunity to. The reality is that your friends and family all have lives of their own and won’t always be available when it’s most convenient for you. Take a break to grab lunch with your best friend or visit your mom. Not only will visiting with those you love leave you feeling great, you’ll be refreshed when you return to asks you left unfinished.
  • Maximize your output
    With such busy schedules chances are you often multitask between tasks you need to accomplish. However, multitasking results in spending more time on completing those tasks rather than focusing on one thing at a time. By focusing on one task at a time not only will it get accomplished in less time but you will feel less scattered when you see you’re making progress and actually completing things fully rather than partially.
  • Say no
    Many people often find it difficult to turn down a favor, social engagement or project but sometimes an easy solution to feeling stretched too thin is simply saying no. Saying yes to everything can mean losing sleep or cutting corners when working on tasks, which means you aren’t necessarily putting out your best work. It’s better to say no rather than saying yes and failing to deliver.

Still feel like your schedule is too chaotic? Eliminate a hectic work schedule by downloading the Go Commando app available in the App Store and Google Play and work for the brands you love right from your mobile device.

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Our college marketing agency functions to serve two purposes; to provide opportunity for college students, and to market products and services on behalf of brands to students on college campuses and universities across the United States. Contact us to learn more.