When large brands want to get their products exposure to college campuses, the easiest way for them is to contact us. They come to us seeking representation on campus, whether the task be handing out product samples, passing out flyers, or setting up events. Then in turn, we turn to YOU. Once a brand posts a task on the Go Commando App, you will complete that task as a Brand Commando and most importantly, get paid!

Some tasks are big, some are small. Some call for a few friends to come along, others are a lone wolf project. Do you like doing work from your computer, or getting out and meeting people? We have tasks for both.

Our most recent task from L’Oreal wants sororities in and around the Boston area to spend a day with Vichy. They are looking for five sororities in that area to sample products and then pass out samples while wearing pink shirts in Boston. Not to mention, free transportation in a hot limo and free food and snacks for the whole day! Am I forgetting something? Oh yeah, One girl from each selected sorority will get $100 PLUS each sorority receives $400 in additional cash! That’s some sweet dough.

If this sounds like the perfect opportunity for you and your sorority sign up NOW!

photo credit: simonkoležnik via photopin cc

student content creators


Who is Campus Commandos?

Our college marketing agency functions to serve two purposes; to provide opportunity for college students, and to market products and services on behalf of brands to students on college campuses and universities across the United States. Contact us to learn more.