What if we told you that you could create and deliver marketing tasks for college brand reps in less than 10 minutes? How about, less than five minutes?

For some reason, student brand ambassador programs seem to be built on the principle of No Pain, No Gain—if it isn’t toilsome, then it won’t work. But Go Commando believes that working with student reps should be easy and painless—for you and for students. That’s how you get and keep the best student reps, and it’s how to boost your campus marketing ROI.

So we created the Go Commando app, which makes it extremely easy to create marketing tasks, communicate with student reps, and verify their work. You can actually save hundreds of hours of frustration and futility—per job—by using Go Commando.

And you’ll have instant access to pre-vetted student brand ambassadors that have already proven their reliability.

Watch How Quick Go Commando Is

There’s no easier or quicker way to create jobs for student reps than with Go Commando. In fact, you could create the task, get it accepted by a student, and have it completed in less time than it took you to come up with the task in the first place!

But seeing is believing, right? No sweat—check out this 2:03 minute video that walks you through each step of the process to create a job for student brand ambassadors.

How to Create a Job in Under 10 Minutes

It’s just a simple 5-step process:

  1. Click on the New Job button in the Go Commando Dashboard.
  2. Fill out the job information: Enter a job title, a description of the job (be detailed!), task deadline, and job requirements.
  3. Identify the states and schools to send the task to.
  4. Determine the number of students to hire, and your pay rate.
  5. Send it!

There’s no other system that makes it this easy or quick to assign marketing tasks to student reps. Every other system requires more work and more time—and creates more distance between you and your brand reps. So communication is difficult and your activities take a lot longer. Which means you’re doing less marketing and more administration during the same amount of time.

Why would you opt for slow and painful? Check out Go Commando and see how it can revolutionize your campus marketing program.

Take the Next Step

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Who is Campus Commandos?

Our college marketing agency functions to serve two purposes; to provide opportunity for college students, and to market products and services on behalf of brands to students on college campuses and universities across the United States. Contact us to learn more.