You’re on top of the world. Five years from now, this unpaid internship as a campus representative will transform into a six figure salary and your name will make the front page of the New York Times. Promotions will come fast and furious, clients will rush to have your signature on their next campaign, and you will have the largest office in the company.

Well, calm yourself. You’re not there yet.

But some of your university’s alumni might be. To find out how they managed to beat the job game, connect with them through LinkedIn.

Follow Your School

Stay up-to-date with your college or university by following them under the education tab on LinkedIn. Also follow any specific schools you are a part of, such as the art school or the engineering school, to connect with a smaller and more tightly knit demographic.

Learn More

You may feel like you rule the school, but there’s plenty you don’t know. Each school listed in the LinkedIn database provides information about its alumni, including their location, company, industry, and field of study. This makes it easier to understand how you fit in with your school’s general population.

Search Alumni

Using their advanced search function, you can easily find prospective students, current students, and alumni affiliated with your school. You can also specify their location, company, work experience, major of study, skills, and your shared connections. That way, you can easily find the alumni with interests or careers most similar to yours.


Now it’s time to make that personalized invite. This step is much easier with alumni, because you don’t have to search for something that you share– you both went to the same school, and those roots run deep.

So you really can get that penthouse apartment in the heart of Manhattan, you just need to know who to talk to first. And LinkedIn is the secret to making those connections. Be sure to follow Go Commando on LinkedIn for more job search information and campus representative opportunities!

photo credit: aluedt via photopin cc

student content creators


Who is Campus Commandos?

Our college marketing agency functions to serve two purposes; to provide opportunity for college students, and to market products and services on behalf of brands to students on college campuses and universities across the United States. Contact us to learn more.