Brand marketing on campus is painful and time-consuming—especially if you’re executing a campaign on an unfamiliar campus where you’ll have to learn their policies and recruit from scratch. But that’s just part of the up-front investment for a successful campus marketing campaign, and there’s no other way to do it…right?

We’ve created a better way to run your campus rep program. It’s greatly superior to traditional campus marketing methods at every step and it’s optimized to make your work with student brand reps easy and painless. You could find your time investment decreasing by as much as 99%. No kidding—we’ll show you how.

Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how Go Commando has improved campus marketing.

The Traditional Method of Campus Marketing

Traditional campus marketing campaigns require a lot of effort for each campus you go to. Here’s a sample task breakdown.

Step 1: Student Recruitment

To recruit enough students to run your campus marketing campaign, you’ll need to create a compelling job description and work with Career Services to get the opportunity posted without getting rejected. Often this requires rewrites and resubmissions to meet their campus policies.

Also, collect emails from campus websites and start emailing student organizations to promote the job. Schedule presentations with the organizations and send an email blast to students.

Time: 21.5 hours

Step 2: Vetting Process

Once you’ve collected your applicant pool, sift through the applicants and schedule job interviews. Notify all applicants of your decision and gather shipping and payment information.

Time: 8 hours

Step 3: On-board Students

Ship out materials and host multiple training sessions to accommodate students’ schedules.

Time: 7.5 hours

Step 4: Manage Students

Set aside time for weekly calls with your student brand reps, reviewing their reports, and scheduling payments. It’s a laborious activity that often involves multiple attempts to contact them, hounding them for the reports, and recruiting new students when others drop out.

Time: 78 hours

Step 5: Round 2 of Campus Recruitment

To replace the student reps who have dropped out, you’ll need to start a new round of recruiting from scratch. Hopefully it’ll go smoother this time around, but there are no guarantees. Expect new bumps in the road.

Time: 21.5 hours

Total time: 136.5 hours

The Go Commando Method of Campus Marketing

Go Commando has made it quick and easy to work with student reps on campus. Some of our clients have gotten jobs completed within minutes of sending them out! Here’s what it looks like to use Go Commando.

Step 1: Vetting

Our students are pre-vetted by a proprietary test developed with industrial and organizational psychologists, with influence from Myers-Briggs and the PI Index.

Time: 0 minutes

Step 2: Student Recruitment

Students are already recruited. Just create your job and pick your campus!

Time: 10 minutes

Step 3: On-board Student Reps

Students accept the jobs you create instead of you seeking out the students.

Time: 0 minutes

Step 4: Manage Students

The Go Commando app provides all the tools you need to manage the project and the student reps. You’ll find tools for compliance, in-app communication, and payment. You can use group messaging to speak with all of the student reps at once. Reports are built into the app and alerts are sent to you whenever a report is submitted.

Paying students is incredibly easy—just click a button and it’s done!

And if you need to recruit additional brand reps, the Waitlist feature makes it simple to find more students on the same campus.

Time: 60 minutes

Step 5: Next Campus Recruitment

Create as many jobs as you want without wasted time and energy in recruitment.

Time: 0 minutes

Total time: 1.2 hours

That’s a time savings of 99% over traditional campus marketing.

What’s the Impact?

Of course, it doesn’t matter how easy all this is if you don’t get the same impact or better with Go Commando. So how does the Go Commando method stack up against traditional campus marketing in terms of impact?

As it turns out, pretty darn great.

Your campus rep program doesn’t have to be slow and painful. The Go Commando app lets you reach college students within minutes, whether you’re targeting a single campus or hundreds. It’s the new way to run your campus rep program.

Next Steps

student content creators


Who is Campus Commandos?

Our college marketing agency functions to serve two purposes; to provide opportunity for college students, and to market products and services on behalf of brands to students on college campuses and universities across the United States. Contact us to learn more.