Landed that dream internship? Great! It’s across the country? Oh. Time fold your entire closet into a couple suitcases, throw the rest into cardboard boxes, and seal them with masking tape. Then key them open a couple days later and find a place for them in the chaos of your new apartment.

It’s annoying, but college students do it all the time. So take a deep breath, and lets get packing.

Couch Surfing

Don’t be that guy. Find yourself a good apartment in a safe neighborhood. Ask your interviewer or soon-to-be employer for a recommendation; odds are they know the area better than you do. You’re only staying for a short period of time, so try signing a sublease to avoid the charges for a full lease. Stay on a budget by looking up small colleges in the area where you can dorm, sometimes without even taking a class. College websites also often recommend alternative student housing.

Get a Life

Just because you’re in a new place doesn’t mean your social life is over. The first time you explore, walk the city, you’ll notice a lot more that way than from inside a car. Ask anyone from your cashier to your bartender about the non-tourist hotspots and take a couple days to check them out. Sticking close to college campuses, or even take a night class, can help you meet people your own age.

Give it Your All

At some point, it’s going to hit you. This new apartment, this new city– you’re on your own. Sure, you’re on your own at college, but this is different. Make the most of it! This is a chance to start over, to reinvent yourself a little bit. Push yourself out of your comfort zone and try things you never thought you would, and watch your confidence surge.

This is your time. Make it count.

photo credit: erix! via photopin cc

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