Why Should Companies Use Campus Ambassadors to Advertise Their Brand?

There are many ways companies market their brand. One successful method is to use campus ambassadors to do so.

Student brand ambassadors help your company become a household name for college students.  

So, what are the other reasons as to why should a brand have campus ambassadors?

Campus ambassadors are your in-person marketing team. These company representatives use many techniques to promote your brand.

Campus brand ambassadors work on university and college campuses and promote your company!

Let’s explore what campus brand ambassadors do and why you should add these individuals to your team. 


What Do Ambassadors Do in Their Role?

Campus brand ambassadors fulfill a variety of tasks in their job. All these tasks relate to marketing and advertising your brand.

Brand ambassadors are college students who talk about your brand with other students. They may also host company events, create social media posts, and hand out brand freebies.

Student brand ambassadors use many ways to help your company gain new customers. They also keep current customers engaged. 


6 Top Reasons to Use Ambassadors

Here are six top reasons to hire campus brand ambassadors to get the word out about your company:


Campus Brand Ambassadors Offer In-Person Marketing

As a company, you want your target audience to notice you. Campus brand ambassadors provide an in-person marketing technique. Your company can market the brand through face-to-face interaction.

Ads and social media marketing provide ways to promote your brand. But, in-person marketing is a prime way to attract new customers. 

Using this type of in-person marketing works and produces exceptional results

Ambassadors on Campus Know What Other Students Want

Hiring college students makes sense when students are your target audience.

Your chosen brand ambassadors on campus know what other college students want in a brand. And they can market your brand in the most effective way.  

If your brand ambassadors hand out free brand items, they know exactly where, when, and how to do so. They also know what attracts college students to certain social media posts and can post in the best way.  

Students Want to Be Ambassadors

Also, students want to be brand ambassadors, so the interest is there. They can make money, meet new people, and even get some free products and services, too.

College students can also add this experience to their resumes.

And you might even get more brand ambassadors through word of mouth. 

Your Company Can Track This Type of Marketing and See What Works

Companies can gauge the success of campus brand ambassador marketing. You can look at the results to see what brand ambassador technique is working and what isn’t. 

For example, do you see positive results from free products handed out on campus? Or, do company events hosted by your campus ambassador attract the most new customers?

When you know which brand ambassador strategy works best, you can market your brand the right way.


Easy Way to Reach a Specific Target Audience

When you hire student ambassadors, you can reach a specific target audience. 

Your company’s in-house marketing team can promote the brand on social media. But it’s even better when you have an in-person representative doing so.

Student brand ambassadors are on campus each and every day. They walk around the university wearing brand clothing and handing out free products.

Inexpensive Marketing Method

Campus brand ambassador marketing is also an inexpensive promotion technique. 

You can pay brand ambassadors a salary or give them free products and services. And this marketing method will help you save money by hiring part-time representatives. 

You can also hire many brand ambassadors at universities throughout the country. So, you have an expansive reach that’s cost-effective, too. 

student content creators

Hire Campus Ambassadors for Your Brand Today

Now that you know why you need ambassadors, it’s time to hire these individuals to promote your brand.

Contact Campus Commandos today to learn how to reach your target audience the right way!


Who is Campus Commandos?

Our college marketing agency functions to serve two purposes; to provide opportunity for college students, and to market products and services on behalf of brands to students on college campuses and universities across the United States. Contact us to learn more.