Campus reps serve a number of important purposes for companies. Here’s a look at what campus reps do.
College students often look for jobs when they’re enrolled in school. Sometimes the student needs a part-time job to help pay for school. Other times, college students get jobs while at school in order to have some spending money.
There are many part-time jobs for college students. One part-time job that is good for making money and building a resume at the same time is a campus rep position. So, what do campus reps do?
Campus reps work for companies to help the business expand the reach of its brand. These brand representatives complete various tasks to help the company get the word out on products and services to other college students. Since a college student campus rep is right there onsite amongst their peers, they are in the best position to market the company’s products and services.
What Does a Campus Rep Do?
Now that you have a general idea of what campus reps do, what are the specific jobs of campus representatives? Campus reps, or brand ambassadors as they’re often called, handle many different job duties for the companies that hire them. A campus rep could hand out company products or wear brand clothing around campus. Overall, the job duties are wide and varied.
And many companies are hiring brand ambassadors. In fact, two of the top business categories hiring brand ambassadors include retail and Fortune 500. So, it’s easy to see that top industry sectors use campus reps and other brand ambassadors to their advantage.
Here are some things campus reps do to represent companies on campus:
- Wear brand clothing daily
- Hand out company products
- Offer company services
- Host in-person and virtual events
- Provide information to peers about the company and its offerings
- Create social media posts
- Attend special events on behalf of the company
The company will come up with different tasks for brand ambassadors to complete. And these tasks will change periodically. If the hiring company finds something isn’t working or other things are working really well, the campus rep marketing campaign might change.
Benefits for Campus Reps
Campus reps receive many benefits when they work as brand ambassadors. First and foremost, campus reps receive compensation for their time and efforts. This payment may be in the form of money, company products, services, or both.
In addition to compensation as a campus rep, college students who work in this job role also gain an easy way to build their resumes. As campus representatives, college students usually work for well-known companies and brands. And this is something the rep can add to their resume!
Also, when a college student takes on the role of campus ambassador, they’re opening up a wide array of social opportunities. As a campus rep, you get to socialize and meet new people while you work. It’s a win-win situation!
Plus, as a campus brand ambassador, students learn how to complete marketing and advertising tasks. This is helpful, especially if a marketing career or advertising profession is a future plan.
Benefits for Companies That Hire Campus Representatives
If you’re a business owner or company CEO who’s hiring campus representatives, you’ll get many benefits by doing so.
First, with the help of a campus rep, you can reach a target audience of college students by hiring someone who’s there among them. The college student campus rep goes to school with these potential customers and knows how to reach them through various marketing methods.
Also, when you hire campus reps, you can give them a variety of tasks to complete on behalf of your company. Need some social media help? Ask your campus rep to do it. Have a desire to host an in-person campus event? Your campus rep is ready, willing, and able to complete this task for you!
In addition, campus reps provide an affordable way to market your company’s products and services. There is a generous reach with campus rep marketing and campus ambassadors can be paid an hourly wage or compensated with free products.
Another benefit to using campus reps is that there is little overhead with this type of marketing. The brand ambassador is paid to work on campus and handle the job duties from their location. The company may pay for marketing materials and offer free products and services. Other than those items, the company won’t experience too much in the way of added expenses.

Take Action and Hire Campus Reps Or Become One Today
Whether you’re a college student looking for a part-time job or a business owner eager to market your products and services to college students, now’s a great time to put a campus rep campaign into motion!
Visit the Campus Commandos website to get started! Companies can start adding campus reps to their marketing roster and college students can start a new part-time job that’s also fun!
Who is Campus Commandos?
Our college marketing agency functions to serve two purposes; to provide opportunity for college students, and to market products and services on behalf of brands to students on college campuses and universities across the United States. Contact us to learn more.
Lois Lawson
Lois Lawson has been blogging for Campus Commandos for 6 years. Prior to writing for the blog, Lois had no experience in blog writing, but she has become an expert in the field over the years. She has written about a wide variety of topics, from the latest news in education and sociology to the latest business and marketing trends.