If you want a part-time job in college, you can become a college brand ambassador. Here’s some information on what a brand ambassador does.
College students spend most of their days focusing on their studies and socializing with friends. However, many students also want to earn some money while going to school. This is where a brand ambassador job role comes in. A student can become a college brand ambassador and earn money, receive company products, and meet new people.
A college brand ambassador helps a company promote its services and products. As a brand representative, you’ll hand out free products, host events, and provide information about the company’s products or services, all on behalf of the brand. If you want to become a college brand ambassador there are certain steps you can take. Here’s how to do so!
Why You Should Become a College Brand Ambassador
Before you learn the steps as to how to become a college brand ambassador, you should know why becoming a brand rep is a good idea. Here are some reasons why you should take on the job role of brand ambassador:
- You get paid to socialize with your peers
- You might receive free company products and services
- As a brand ambassador, you can do many of the duties right on your college campus
- When you take a part-time position as a college brand rep, you can build your resume
- Learn about marketing while you work, which may come in handy with jobs post-graduation
- The work is fun!
When you work as a college brand ambassador, you have the opportunity to make money while socializing with other students and getting the word out on the brand at the same time. Technically, it’s a job but in general, it’s a fun activity to take part in!
Steps to Be a Campus Rep
Interested in learning more about becoming a brand ambassador on your college campus? Here are some steps to take when you want to be a campus rep:
Step 1: Find Out Who’s Hiring
Before you can start working as a campus rep, a company has to hire you. Therefore, you need to find out which companies are hiring campus representatives for your university or college. Not all companies hire brand ambassadors, so you have to find a list of available companies that want brand ambassadors on your college campus.
There are a few ways to find job listings for brand ambassadors. You can check your university’s online job board, if there is one, and see if any companies posted listings for brand ambassador part-time jobs. You can also look online at job listing websites to see which companies want to hire part-time campus representatives.
However, if you’re looking for specific job listings related to college brand ambassadors, check out the Campus Commandos website. You’ll find an easy way to learn which companies are hiring and apply for a campus rep position right there on the website.
Step 2: Decide Which Company You’d Like to Work For As an Ambassador
Once you have a list of options regarding what companies are currently hiring brand ambassadors, you can narrow the list to the companies you’re interested in working for as a campus rep. For example, what are your interests? Do you use the products and services offered by the company? Are you familiar with the companies specific industry that you feel comfortable promoting their brand? All these questions will help you decide which company brand ambassador position is best for you.
Step 3: Apply for the Job
Now that you know what companies interest you, you can start the application process. You may be able to apply to the company directly on their website. Or, as mentioned above, you can apply for campus rep jobs on the Campus Commandos website.
The companies will ask specific questions in the application, such as what’s your experience with their brand or industry or how will you go about promoting their brand on campus. They may also list certain job duties you’ll complete as a brand ambassador with their company. Fill out the application and then submit it to the company or use the Campus Commandos website to apply.
Step 4: Wait for a Response and Job Offer
Once your application is complete and you submit it, you can sit back, relax, and wait for a response from the company. The response time will vary however if it’s during the school year, chances are good that the company will want to roll out its brand ambassador campaign ASAP. This means you probably won’t have to wait too long to receive a response. If the company accepts you as a brand rep, you can decide whether or not to take the position. If you take the job, you can get started promoting the brand on campus and earning money and/or products as compensation.

Sign Up to Become a College Brand Ambassador Today
If becoming a college brand ambassador sounds like a good idea, now’s a great time to sign up to work as a campus rep. Visit the Campus Commandos website to learn more about this job opportunity and sign up to become a college brand ambassador today!
Who is Campus Commandos?
Our college marketing agency functions to serve two purposes; to provide opportunity for college students, and to market products and services on behalf of brands to students on college campuses and universities across the United States. Contact us to learn more.
Lois Lawson
Lois Lawson has been blogging for Campus Commandos for 6 years. Prior to writing for the blog, Lois had no experience in blog writing, but she has become an expert in the field over the years. She has written about a wide variety of topics, from the latest news in education and sociology to the latest business and marketing trends.