Who is Campus Commandos, LLC?
A Quicken Loans partner company, Campus Commandos LLC is Detroit born and raised! Our college marketing agency functions to serve two purposes; to provide opportunity for college students, and to market products and services on behalf of brands to students on college campuses and universities across the United States.
What is Go Commando App?
Go Commando App is an app designed to streamline the previously lengthy and costly process of finding quality brand ambassadors. By creating an app brand ambassadors can receive tasks, complete tasks, document success, and get paid all from their phone.
Will my college have the same tasks as other colleges?
Maybe and maybe not. Each brand has different goals at each campus so your friend at a campus across the country might work for the same brand but have a very different task to complete.
This isn’t spam or some scheme, is it?
NO! We hate scams and schemes as much as you do. Maybe even more because they give brand ambassador experience a bad name. This is not door to door sales trying to sell some BS product. The brands we work with want to develop relationships with college students and gain their trust and become the trusted brands for clothing, beauty products and more. Tasks for Go Commando App are purely focused on helping brands develop these relationships with college students.
How does the app work?
Once you download the app for iOS or Android you will be asked to create a basic account and provide some information. After you create your account you will be asked a number of HR questions to help the brands understand who the commando’s are that could work for them. After the qualification process you will be sent notifications of jobs, and with the touch of a button you can accept a job. If you accept the job clear, detailed instructions will be sent to you through the app. All tasks and proof of work will be completed using the app to offer a seamless experience for you and allow clear information to the Brand Manager at our partner brand.
How will I get paid? Do I have to make “X” amount of dollars before I’m paid?
Once you complete your task and provide the requested documentation your information will be sent to the brand manager at the partner company for review. Upon approval of completion your money will be instantly transferred to the bank account you provided during your account creation process.
How often will brands post things?
Each brand is different and has different goals at every campus. Our goal is to keep students busy. Keep an eye out for tasks to ensure that you have a fair opportunity to gain experience and make money.
Is this legit to throw on my resume?
YES!!! One of the main goals for Go Commando is to help college students gain real world experience that actually helps move them forward to achieve their career goals. The job market today is highly competitive and you must have experience to even get your foot in the door. We try to help get you the experience you need and through our blog and other content help you maximize your experience and achieve your future goals.
What companies/brands work with Go Commando?
Go Commando has relationships with brands in nearly all industry sectors, from retail, fashion, food and beverage, technology, fitness, furniture. Both the Campus Commandos and Go Commando team have existing relationships with Men’s Wearhouse, IKEA®, GNC, L’Oreal, FRYE, HP, Ebay, and Ebay to name a few.
Who are the people behind the app?
Behind Go Commando App is a dedicated team of college rep pros. Adam Grant, CEO, actually put himself through school by representing 10 brands during his college career. His has taken his life experience, business background and turned it into Campus Commandos. Mickey Katz spent nearly ten years developing brand ambassador programs from the ground. His experience in building brands and driving awareness to college students played a strong factor in an acquisition of one of the largest online food ordering brands geared towards colleges and universities. With the experience that Adam and Mickey bring to the table, both students and brands are in good hands.
How will I prove that I actually completed the tasks to GC or to the brands?
Depending on the task you will be asked for several confirmation elements. Students will have the ability to; check into a location, take photos and video, and fill out survey forms. For example if you are tasked with hanging up flyers, you will use the app to take pictures to document your activities. This allows for you to document as you work and gain instant approval for completing your tasks.
How often do I have to complete tasks?
Brands are able to rate a students performance, therefore we strongly urge students to only accept a task if they intend on completing it. That being said, our Go Commando App is designed for students to accept work when they can.
Is there any way to get promoted/ a raise in the app?
One of the unique features within our Go Commando App is the Brand Badge. Upon completing a task, the brand has the ability to state whether or not they would work with the rep once again. If they select “yes” we will award a student the badge. This function will have great implications for future versions of the app.
Is the app iOS and Android compatible?
Yes, the Go Commando App is available for both iOS and Android here are the links.
How is Go Commando different from other apps that do similar things?
No other app in the market offers brand ambassador experience solely using the app interface. The Go Commando App is designed to allow you to be notified of jobs, select the ones you want, verify completion of tasks and receive payment.
What types of tasks will companies ask me to do?
Companies will go through their own vetting process prior to joining our network. Campus Commandos closely monitors the type of tasks that brands ask of our students. The type of task can include hanging up flyers around campus or setting up events and presenting to a group of your friends and fellow students. Their is a task for every type of skill set, and we are excited to have students Go Commando with us!
Why is my .edu email address not being accepted?
This is usually a result of you having two periods in your student email address. We are going to correct that issue to account for all the ways schools do their email addresses in future updates. For now please use your personal email address.
How secure is my banking information?
We use Stripe to capture your banking information, so none of your information is stored by the Go Commando App itself. Stripe uses a two step authentication process to keep your information secure. To find out more about Stripe, visit stripe.com.